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Change of Management

Dear Friends and Colleagues...

30th of June 2013

Dear friends and colleagues

I wanted to share with you all how much I have enjoyed taking care of the NIPKOW PROGRAMM which has seen such a period of growth and development since it was founded over two decades ago. The experiences down these years have enriched, amazed and delighted me in so many ways; not only the many fascinating projects, but in particular I have learned so much from the encounters with all those who have passed through our doors: Nipkow fellows, partners, jury members, friends and guests alike. 

Over the years my most constant and positive collaboration has been with Petra Weisenburger, and as I have now decided to take a new direction in independent film production, I am all the more pleased that she will be taking over my position. I will however be keeping my connection to the programme as an occasional consultant.

I would like to thank all of you who have been a great source of support and inspiration.

Warmest regards,

Uta Ganschow